Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yosemite Valley

I arrived in the "town" of El Portal with just enough time to secure a room, then catch the YARTS bus into the valley.
After passing the through gates to the park, the bus pulled over here to put on snow chains.

Once secured, the chains soon became necessary as the bus climbed into the valley. Within minutes, the ground
was covered in snow. I must confess, I hate taking pictures through glass, but in this case, it's a pity. I have no
images of one of the most memorable drives I've ever experienced. We soon arrived at Sentinel Bridge, and I
began to look around.

The so called classic, with Upper Yosemite Falls in the distance.

Every tree, shrub, and stone lay beneath a heavy blanket of snow.

In the shade, it was thickest.

But as the day progressed, the sun warmed the valley,

and snow began to melt.

Throughout the forest, white clumps of fluff would suddenly fall from an Incense-Cedar, or a Ponderosa pine, 
crash on the branch below, and burst into a shower of shimmering powder.

In this section of the park, the sound of water is a constant companion.

Snowmelt falls into the mirrored stream. 

Boulders of granite litter the edges of the valley.

A strong current at the base of Lower Yosemite Falls.

Lower Yosemite Falls.

I wandered through the forests in a state of wonder. Coming back to the lodge afforded this view of Sentinel.

As the sun set, a fog began to settle over the meadow...

with Half Dome in the distance.

Old Priest Grade to El Portal

My second attempt to reach Yosemite Valley began on a spectacular twisty road called Old Priest Grade.

It was a lot of fun, with hardly any ice...

After rejoining the new highway for a mile or two, I turned south on Hwy. 49, a good road which winds down from the hills due south. Along the way were several
historic buildings...

At Mariposa, I turned north following Hwy. 140 along the Merced river to Yosemite.

Looks like a good spot to drop a line...