Trans-Pecos bank has submitted a counter, and it's very close to my original price. My heart begins to throb. I had
never really thought it would get this far. I counter-offer. This will give me a few minutes to think things over. First,
I call Malcolm, who manages my investments. After a long discussion, he reaffirms what I already know...the place
is a steal. The minute I hang up, Mary calls. The bank has accepted my offer. Holy shit! I head south, hoping to make
sense of what I've just done.
The road is nothing if not dramatic,
affording expansive views of some breathtaking scenery.
Rising up from the valley floor,
the River Road gains elevation quickly.
This picture illustrates the severe grades awaiting the lucky motorist. Crossing this pass...
reveals the spectacular mountains of Big Bend.
After several miles, I came across this old film set.
Both the exteriors,
and the interiors were constructed in the traditional manner, which works to the structures' aesthetic advantage.
Down by the riverside, dried mud.