Monday, December 20, 2010

Globe Rathole

Due to the closure of the Apache Trail at Fish Creek, and the resulting sixty-mile backtrack, I was forced to stop
for the night in Globe, AZ. While the town itself had a somewhat funky charm, my hotel was a rathole of such epic
filth that it made the night I spent with the lepers in Agra seem like a stay at the George V. I resolved to get a very
early start. It was still dark, and bitter cold, as I headed east on State Route 70.

An hour later, I was rewarded with this spectacular sunrise.

I warmed my hands for a bit, then continued east to Safford, a fairly non-descript town where I stopped for some
gas. After a restorative cup of coffee, I continued northeast, toward the New Mexico border.

Entering the Apache National Forest, the topography began to change for the better.

I followed this serpentine road, up into the mountains. After several miles of lovely asphalt, I entered New Mexico
and stumbled across this alternative route through the Gila National Forest,

where the austere mountains turned first to dry pine forest,

and finally, to open grassland.

Not the most compelling countryside, but certainly good for making time.

Thanks to the early start, I reeled off 328 miles, arriving in Las Cruces just before sunset.