Friday, December 3, 2010

Monterey, CA

I get a late start in Livermore. To make up for it, I only stop once on the way down, for gas, in Seacliff. As I'm filling
up, a woman comes over and says, "My son loves KTM. He's always out in the desert riding his." I tell her she's
obviously done a great job as a mother, then haul ass to Monterey. I stop for a few pictures just north of town.

The natural beauty that is the Monterey Peninsula.

Obviously, it's too late to see the fishes. I find a Starbucks, drink a coffee, and book a cheap hotel. After checking 
in and dumping the panniers, I take a quick cruise around town. I turn off the highway on a promising little road 
called Spindrift Lane. This house looks like the residence of a Dr. Seuss character...

Further along, the road drops down and follows the coast.

Location, location, location.

I watch the sunset,

then head home for an early night.

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